Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge
Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge Dr. Müller
- Die neuesten Daten zu bisher ausgeführten HIPEC – Op´s
Müller H, DRK Manniske Krankenhaus, Bad Frankenhausen, Germany - Systemic chemotherapy using FLOT - regimen combined with cytoreductive surgery plus hipec for treatment of peritoneal metastasized gastric cancer
Müller H; Hotopp Th; Tofeili A; Wutke K; - Dept. of visceral surgery, DRK Manniske Hospital, Bad Frankenhausen, Germany Multimodales Behandlungskonzept beim peritoneal metastasierten Magenkarzinom unter Einschluss der hyperperthermen Peritonealperfusion
Vortrag Dr. Müller anlässlich des Jahreskongresses der Thüringischen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, Gera, 2013- Einfluss der Ernährung auf die Entstehung und Prognose von Krebserkrankungen
Herwart Müller, M.D. Bad Frankenhausen/Germany - Die intraarterielle Therapie colorektaler Lebermetastasen
Herwart Müller, M.D. Hammelburg/Germany
(Vortrag auf dem 18. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie in Westfalen) - Strategies to reduce perioperative morbidity in cytoreductive surgery
Herwart Müller, M.D. Hammelburg/Germany - Cytoreductive surgery in the elderly – is it feasible?
Herwart Müller, M.D. Hammelburg/Germany Ergebnisse einer Befragung hinsichtlich zytoreduktiver Operationen in 33 Zentren
Herwart Müller, M.D. Hammelburg/GermanyCytoreductive surgery followed by intraperitoneal hyperthermic perfusion in the treatment of Taxan- and Platin refractory, recurrent ovarian cancer
Herwart Müller, M.D. Hammelburg/GermanyDie Hyperthermie im Gesamtkonzept der Behandlung des Bauchfellkrebs
Herwart Müller, M.D. Hammelburg/GermanyRisiken und Komplikationen implantierter Kathetersysteme
Herwart Müller, M.D. Hammelburg/GermanyIntra-arterial chemotherapy for the treatment of colorectal liver metastases - indications and perspectives
Herwart Müller, M.D. Hammelburg/Germany- Zytoreduktion plus hypertherme Peritonealperfusion in der Behandlung des Ovarialkarzinom - Rezidiv - ein effizientes Therapiekonzept
Intra-arterial chemotherapy for the treatment of colorectal liver metastases - indications and perspectives
Integrative Therapiekonzepte in der onkologischen Chirurgie
Umgang und Pflege implantierter Portkathetern bei Tumorpatienten – ein interdisziplinäres Problem
Leistungs - Dokumentation der Abteilung chirurgische Onkologie
Ergebnisse Peritonektomie (2004)
Regional chemotherapy in the treatment of colorectal liver metastases
Peritonectomy plus hyperthermic peritoneal perfusion for the treatment of peritoneal carcinosis
Regional chemotherapy plus or minus prophylaxis of thrombembolic events with low-dose Warfarin in the treatment of advanced pancreatic cancer – a retrospective analysis
- Curative and palliative aspects of regional chemotherapy in combination with surgery
Immuno-chemoembolization in the treatment of disseminated colorectal liver metastases – comparison between two treatment schedules
Regional plus systemic chemotherapy – An effective treatment in recurrent Non Small Cell Lung Cancer.
Combination of regional and systemic chemotherapy: An effective induction therapy for advanced and inoperable non-small cell lung cancer
Die isolierte Thoraxperfusion (ITP) als effektive Induktionstherapie beim fortgeschrittenen Nichtkleinzelligen Bronchialkarzinom III A / B – Eine Pilotstudie
Regional plus systemic chemotherapy – An effective induction therapy for inoperable Non Small Cell Lung Cancer stage III A / B
Chemosensitivity directed systemic versus high concentrated regional chemotherapy for recurrent ovarian carcinoma
Veröffentlichungen von Fachkollegen
- Cytoreductive surgery plus hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy in elderly patients.
Macrì A, Saladino E, Trimarchi G, Bartolo V, Rossitto M, Cannaò A, Rizzo A, Famulari C. /In Vivo/; 2011 Jul-Aug;25(4):687-90. - Outcomes of elderly patients undergoing cytoreductive surgery and perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy for colorectal cancer peritoneal carcinomatosis.
Klaver YL, Chua TC, de Hingh IH, Morris DL. /J Surg Oncol/; 2012 Feb;105(2):113-8. - Cytoreductive surgery and perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy in patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis of colonic origin: outcomes after 7 years' experience of a new centre for peritoneal surface malignancies.
Bretcha-Boix P, Farré-Alegre J, Sureda M, Dussan C, Pérez Ruixo JJ, Brugarolas Masllorens A. /Clin Transl Oncol/; 2010 Jun;12(6):437-42. - Hepatobiliary procedures in patients undergoing cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy.
Glockzin G, Renner P, Popp FC, Dahlke MH, von Breitenbuch P, Schlitt HJ, Piso P. /Ann Surg Oncol/; 2011 Apr;18(4):1052-9. - Morbidity and mortality of cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy in the management of peritoneal carcinomatosis.
Spiliotis J, Rogdakis A, Vaxevanidou A, Datsis A, Zacharis G, Christopoulou A. /J BUON/; 2009 Apr-Jun;14(2):259-64. - Peritoneal carcinomatosis: patients selection, perioperative complications and quality of life related to cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy.
Glockzin G, Schlitt HJ, Piso P. /World J Surg Oncol/; 2009;7:5. - Cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy associated toxicity in treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis.
Mancebo-González A, Díaz-Carrasco MS, Cascales-Campos P, de la Rubia A, Gil Martínez J. /Farm Hosp/; 2012 Mar-Apr;36(2):60-7. - Toward curative treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis from nonovarian origin by cytoreductive surgery combined with perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy: a multi-institutional study of 1,290 patients.
Glehen O, Gilly FN, Boutitie F, Bereder JM, Quenet F, Sideris L, Mansvelt B, Lorimier G, Msika S, Elias D, French Surgical Association. /Cancer/; 2010 Dec 15;116(24):5608-18. - Peritoneal carcinomatosis from gastric cancer: a multi-institutional study of 159 patients treated by cytoreductive surgery combined with perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy.
Glehen O, Gilly FN, Arvieux C, Cotte E, Boutitie F, Mansvelt B, Bereder JM, Lorimier G, Quenet F, Elias D, Association Française de Chirurgie. /Ann Surg Oncol/; 2010 Sep;17(9):2370-7. - Cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy improves survival of patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis from gastric cancer: final results of a phase III randomized clinical trial.
Yang XJ, Huang CQ, Suo T, Mei LJ, Yang GL, Cheng FL, Zhou YF, Xiong B, Yonemura Y, Li Y. /Ann Surg Oncol/; 2011 Jun;18(6):1575-81. - Cost analysis of the combined procedure of cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC).
Baratti D, Scivales A, Balestra MR, Ponzi P, Di Stasi F, Kusamura S, Laterza B, Deraco M. /Eur J Surg Oncol/; 2010 May;36(5):463-9. - Surgical treatment of patients with peritoneal surface malignancy: cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy.
Dunn D. /J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs/; 2010 Jul-Aug;37(4):379-85. - Cytoreductive surgery plus hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy improves survival in selected patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis from abdominal and pelvic malignancies: results of 21 cases.
Yang XJ, Li Y, al-shammaa Hassan AH, Yang GL, Liu SY, Lu YL, Zhang JW, Yonemura Y. /Ann Surg Oncol/; 2009 Feb;16(2):345-51. - Postoperative pancreatic fistula after cytoreductive surgery and perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy: incidence, risk factors, management, and clinical sequelae.
Saxena A, Chua TC, Yan TD, Morris DL. /Ann Surg Oncol/; 2010 May;17(5):1302-10. - Should the treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis by cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy still be regarded as a highly morbid procedure?: a systematic review of morbidity and mortality.
Chua TC, Yan TD, Saxena A, Morris DL. /Ann Surg/; 2009 Jun;249(6):900-7. - Tumorbedingte Fatigue
Autor: Dr. U. Vries, K. Reif, F. Petermann - The role of secondary cytoreductive surgery in patients with recurrent epithelial ovarian, tubal, and peritoneal cancers: a comparative effectiveness analysis.
Chuang CM, Chou YJ, Yen MS, Chao KC, Twu NF, Wu HH, Wen KC, Chen YJ, Wang PH, Lai CR, Chou P. - Early- and Long-Term Outcome Data of Patients With Pseudomyxoma Peritonei From Appendiceal Origin Treated by a Strategy of Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy
Terence C. Chua, Brendan J. Moran, Paul H. Sugarbaker, Edward A. Levine, Olivier Glehen, François N. Gilly, Dario Baratti, Marcello Deraco, Dominique Elias, Armando Sardi, Winston Liauw, Tristan D. Yan, Pedro Barrios, Alberto Gómez Portilla, Ignace H.J.T. de Hingh, Wim P. Ceelen, Joerg O. Pelz, Pompiliu Piso, Santiago González-Moreno, Kurt Van Der Speeten and David L. Morris - Treatment of Colorectal Peritoneal Carcinomatosis With Systemic Chemotherapy: A Pooled Analysis of North Central Cancer Treatment Group Phase III
Jan Franko, Qian Shi, Charles D. Goldman, Barbara A. Pockaj, Garth D. Nelson, Richard M. Goldberg, Henry C. Pitot, Axel Grothey, Steven R. Alberts, and Daniel J. Sargent - Primary Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumor of the Peritoneum: A Case Report with review of the literature
Fisnik Kurshumliu1, Helle Rung-Hansen, Vibeke Ravn Skovlund, Lumturije Gashi-Luci1, Thomas Horn - Dynamism of tumour vasculature in the early phase of cancer progression: outcomes from oesophageal cancer research
Youichi Kumagai, Masakazu Toi, and Haruhiro Inoue - Atlas of Appendix Cancer - Cytoreductive Surgery (P.H. Sugarbaker)
- Hepatic Artery Chemoembolization for Advanced Stage HCC: Experience of 650 Patients
Cancer mortality in central–eastern Europe: facts behind the figures - Lajos Döbrössy
- Surgical resection with or without preoperative chemotherapy in oesophageal cancer
Dr D J Girling, MRC Clinical Trials Unit, Cancer Division - Diagnosis and Treatment of Peritoneal Mesothelioma: The Washington Cancer Institute Experience
- Chemoembolisation Adds Survival Time In Untreatable Liver Cancer
Review of a personal experience in the management of carcinomatosis and sarcomatosis
- Cancer and the prothrombotic state - Gregory YH Lip, Bernard SP Chin , and Andrew D Blann
- Postoperative fondaparinux versus postoperative enoxaparin for prevention of venous thromboembolism after elective hip-replacement surgery: a randomised double-blind trial
- Multimodality treatment of diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma
- What Vitamins Should I Be Taking, Doctor?
Walter C. Willett, M.D., Dr.P.H., and Meir J. Stampfer, M.D., Dr.P.H. - Octreotide Therapy for Tumor-Induced Osteomalacia
Jochen Seufert, M.D., Katja Ebert, M.D., Justus Müller, M.D., Jochen Eulert, M.D., Christian Hendrich, M.D., Edgar Werner, M.D., Norbert Schütze, Ph.D., Georg Schulz, M.D., Werner Kenn, M.D., Hubert Richtmann, M.D., Klaus-Dieter Palitzsch, M.D., and Franz Jakob, M.D. - Head and Neck Cancer
Arlene Forastiere, M.D., Wayne Koch, M.D., Andrew Trotti, M.D., and David Sidransky, M.D. - Screening for Colorectal Cancer - NEJM --
David F. Ransohoff, M.D., and Robert S. Sandler, M.D., M.P.H. - Erworbene Thrombophilie durch Krebs
- Ludwig Lutz, München - Cytoreductive surgery and peri-operative intraperitoneal chemotherapy as a curative approach to pseudomyxoma peritonei syndrome.
P.H. Sugarbaker, Washington Cancer Institute - Survival Effect of Maximal Cytoreductive Surgery for Advanced Ovarian Carcinoma During the Platinum Era: A Meta-Analysis
By Robert E. Bristow, Rafael S. Tomacruz, Deborah K. Armstrong, Edward L. Trimble, F. J. Montz