Онкологический центр лечения перитонеального карциноза

Специализированный центр лечения канцероматоза брюшины.
Хирургическая онкология. Регионарная химиотерапия.

Dynamism of tumour vasculature in the early phase of cancer progression: outcomes from oesophageal cancer research

Dynamism of tumour vasculature in the early phase of cancer progression: outcomes from oesophageal cancer research

Youichi Kumagai, Masakazu Toi, and Haruhiro Inoue


The vascular structure of cancer changes during tumour progression. A particularly dramatic change occurs during the early phase of progression when in situ tumour is transformed to invasive cancer. Recent advances in morphological investigations have made it possible to visualise and characterise the microvascular-network alterations. In addition, laboratory studies have also revealed the molecular profile—the changing levels of expression of different proteins—of cancer progression, which has helped to advance understanding of the mechanism of carcinogenesis. In this review, we discuss recent outcomes of research of oesophageal cancer and consider the responses of the vascular network and the development of new blood vessels during the early phase of cancer progression. Such considerations will be useful not only for understanding vascular biology but also for exploring novel diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive approaches targeting early stage or latent phase human cancer.

Weiterlesen: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12372722

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